Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Best 3 Online Income Opportunities for Every Nigerian in 2015

Over the years and in recent times, there has been a lot of online and offline money-making offers presented to Nigerians- each of which always sound so good and captivating at first, while at the end of the day could not fulfil its offer.

The reason for the default is not necessarily because these offers are not genuine or such like, rather because they operate in a uniform platform that makes it difficult for the average Nigerian without a hi-tech wizardry to attempt. This is one of the reasons why the average Nigerian sees all these ‘online stuff’ as fake, because according to him/her, ‘I have tried this thing before, and it doesn’t work, period!’

But thank God, we are moving higher; and in our quest to get it right, quality and enduring platforms have been created- which are Nigerian and African in nature, as follows:

1.       Transacting online on a local currency platform; no Paypal, Payza, Perfect Money headache
2.       Easy-to-understand procedures that require no technical proficiency.

3.       Forums where you meet more of Ugochukwu, Adewumi, Yakubu, Eyo, rather than Smith, Cameron, Shinji, Gerrardo and the likes- Won’t you rather feel at home when you discover that your next door neighbour is part of the programme you want to join, rather than meeting strange names that might end up being robots. Lol!

4.       Transparency all the way…

Presently, there are many genuine online programmes that can offer you these, but please start earning immediately through these ones below. You can join all of them or decide to start with one. They are:

1.                   JIJI PROGRAMME:

Membership Fees:  Pay =N=0 to join; meaning you join free.

-          Advertise all your goods and services for sale free
-          Invite your friends to join; and earn as they place free ads- $10-$25
-          Be part of other mouth-watering offers

Company Coverage: Mainly Nigeria

Monthly Income potential: N10000

Payment: Monthly through local bank account

2.                   WLE- WriteLearnEarn:

Membership Fee:  Pay =N=0 to join; meaning you join free

Company Coverage: 220 countries (Check if your country is among)

Monthly Income potential: N20000

-          Write articles on any topic- it must be original article
-          Be paid N1500 for a 500-word article
-          Invite others to join through your affiliate link and earn 5% of their earnings

Payment: Month end through local bank account

3.                   NETCONTACTS:

Membership Fee: Trial membership, N0; Active membership, N1500; Exclusive membership, N2700

-          Earn instant cash of N1500 into your bank account for every person you invite
-          Become a real estate agent
-          Make money selling advert pins
-          Access to bulk sms service
-          Loan grant without collateral
-          Become a Post-UME Agent
-          Access to past Jamb & Post-UME Questions
-          Get a free site to advertise your personal offers
-          Other numerous benefits

Company Coverage: Nigeria; and the rest of the world

Monthly Income potential: N150000

Payment: Paid instantly through local bank account

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